BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. Bios is a feature that allows you to make any change in the hardware settings. It is the feature present in the motherboard settings. 

Some motherboards contain the dual BIOS. Dual BIOS is a unique term for beginners. So, they are curious to know the chemistry behind this term. Does it work the same as the single BIOS or not? Let’s clear up your confusion. 

As it is clear by the name dual means two. It means that the motherboard contains two BIOS, one is the main BIOS and the other one is the backup BIOS. 

Dual BIOS is responsible for protecting your motherboard from any potential danger caused by a virus. 

In this blog post, I’ll share the complete guidelines about DUAL bios, Must read this complete blog to get the points very well.

What is the difference between BIOS and dual BIOS?

BIOS and dual BIOS both are the booting systems in every PC. But what’s the difference between them? How do they both work? Let’s clear this concept. 

BIOS contains a single chip, no backup option is available for you. It just helps you to manage your data when you boot up your system. It makes a data-transferring link between the microprocessor and the operating system. 

A single BIOS will not provide you the facility to recover your data from the backup chip. But, dual BIOS entertained you with this feature. 

By using dual BIOS, there are two chips option available for you one is for the main purpose and the other is a backup chip. It will benefit you in a way that if your data is lost from the main BIOS, it will be recovered easily because all the files are automatically saved in the backup chip. 

What are the benefits of dual BIOS?

Dual BIOS is the modern feature in many motherboards and it is obvious that it has many advantages as compared to the single BIOS. 

It allows the motherboard to take a copy of any file from the backup chip, without feeling any difficulty and it provides an enthusiastic effect to the users. 

Below, I listed some major advantages of using dual BIOS: 

  1. It provides an extra protection from the Virus. Single BIOS can also protect your hardware from viruses but dual BIOS have extra features and double power. 
  2. Dual BIOS helps to protect your system:e ROMS from any physical damage. 
  3. You can perform tasks in less time. It means it helps to reduce the service time. 
  4. It helps to recover all your data automatically from the backup chip. 
  5. It is automated, and you get notified whenever any error occurs. 

By reading this you can easily compare both BIOS and make your own opinion. 

How to Use Dual BIOS?

In the Dual BIOS, both are installed in the ROMS hardware manually. One acts as the main BIOS and performs all the activities like the single BIOS or helps to boot up your system. 

Another one is the Backup BIOS, which is activated whenever any virus attacks your hardware or you need to recover your data. 

These are the uses, but is it easy to install the dual BIOS, or is the process is same as the single BIOS? Let’s move to the process and steps to use the dual BIOS. 

  1. The dual BIOS gives you an option while choosing the ROM, you can choose either the ROM1 or ROM2. It helps to boot the system. 
  2. If you want to use the flash BIOS ROM, make sure that you switch the ROM, which is needed for the upgrade. 
  3. If the old BIOS fails, you can upgrade it by using the Biostar BIOS flasher or Biostar BIOS update utility. 

Do not try to upgrade this feature if you don’t have any idea or unless your hardware does not support this feature. 

It is recommended to read the user manual before making any changes. 

Do all motherboards have dual BIOS?

No, all the motherboards do not have dual BIOS. The availability of a double chip depends upon the model and design of the motherboard. Some motherboards are designed to attach the dual chip for BIOS but some motherboards lack this feature. 

The reason behind this is that. Dual BIOS is not always compatible and even not needed in some motherboards. Other than this, it is not cheap, it is quite expensive, and using this feature is a treasure, users are mostly confused in their switching. 

It requires more power usage and fails the overclocking. That is why it is used mostly in the large working networks. 

The best option in a motherboard with dual BIOS IS MSI z87-gd65. It has two chips A and B. 


bios mean that the motherboard contains the two BIOS chips. If the one is damaged or loses its data, then you can use the second one to get all your data and perform tasks. 

The BIOS feature is not available in all the motherboards, First, you need to check all the compatibilities of your motherboard, then upgrade it. 

If you don’t have any idea about these features, must consult with professionals or technicians to get the best guides. 

I hope you enjoyed the reading and got all the answers to all the queries in your mind. If you have still any confusion, feel free to contact us.