Many users are worried about the CPU shelf life or think that performance decreases over time. The question arises, is CPU performance slows down gradually? Does the CPU get better? In this article, I’ll answer all these questions, and try to give you appropriate knowledge. 

Can a CPU degrade in performance over time? Yes, the CPU affects the performance when it gets old. CPU run at the normal speed but the decreasing performance depends upon several factors. The elements which down the life span are dust in the airflows, Week cooling systems, overheating, excessive use, and voltage change. CPU run at the same speed when it gets old, but these factors may affect the performance. 

If you want to increase the performance or if you want that your CPU, does not get old for many years, You must clean the cooling system and airflows regularly, must check that the thermal paste is not affected, If your paste is dried out must replace it. 

In this blog post, I’ll discuss various facts about the CPU and also ask you in detail about the working and lifespan of the CPU. 

Is CPU Degradation Real?

Yes, degrading CPU is real but it takes many years. Degradation is losing performance, and overclocking gradually. If you feel that the performance decreases, then it must be due to the electromigration. 

Electromigration is the phenomenon in which electric ions lose their power and become weaker with the flow of electricity. But this process is very slow, it takes many years to slow down the CPU.  

Causes of CPU Degradation

Several factors play a role to slow down the performance of the CPU. some of the factors are: 

  • If your cooling system or thermal paste is damaged or not working properly, then the temperature of the CPU is not controlled, As a result, the CPU is overheated. Due to overheating, there is a great chance of damage to the CP or other components. 
  • Overvolting is the process in which the user can increase the voltage, It helps to perform tasks efficiently but it increases the electromigration, which leads to the degrading of CPU faster. 
  • Like, all the other things, The material used in the CPU also gets weak, which causes degradation. 
  • Overuse is also a factor that plays an important role in degrading the CPU. If you use it to a large extent and excessive tasks can decrease performance, which leads to degradation.  

These are the elements that play an important role in degrading the CPU. You must consider these factors and follow the precautionary measures if you want to save your CPU from any damage. 

What are the signs of CPU degradation?

If you have no idea about the degradation or are confused about it. OR if you want to know if your CPU is degraded or not. Here are some signs which help you to identify the issue: 

  • You will face a booting issue, Your system takes time to boot up. 
  • CPU is overheated by just performing little tasks. 
  • Your thermal paste is dried out.
  • Cooling fans make a loud noise. 
  • You can also check the idle temperature. 

These are some potential signs of CPU degradation. The user must keep in mind these points, if any of these signs appear, take any precautionary step which helps you to increase the efficiency. 

Does overclocking degrade CPU?

The answer to this question is not much clear because several terms and conditions were applied. Overclocking is the method that is used to increase performance by increasing the clock speed. As it may play a role in degrading the CPU if it is running very hot. 

During, overclocking excessive heat is produced, because there is an extra workload on the CPU. If the cooling system is not working properly or is not strong enough to control this excessive heat, it may affect the lifespan of the CPU

Overall, Overclocking increase the life span, it performs many tasks faster than the normal speed, which helps to reduce the burden on the CPU And increase its efficiency and shelf life. 

Always keep in mind that everything has advantages as well as disadvantages. You have to consider both good and bad aspects if you want to enjoy any experience. 

Bottom Lines: 

It is concluded that the CPU degraded its performance over time. But, it depends upon several factors. These factors may include cooling systems, Overclocking, undervolting, etc. 

You can increase the life span of your CPU if you take care and avoid any damage. You need to check and maintain it regularly. If you understand all the facts, it will help you to increase the efficiency and overall life of your CPU. 

I am here to give you detailed and authentic knowledge about the CPU and all other components. If you want more… Feel free to contact us…!!! 


How long do CPUs last for gaming?

The lifespan of the CPU depends upon the model and design. Generally, the CPU lasts for 10 years. If we talk about gamers, gaming computers last for 5-8 years. 

Why do CPUs degrade?

Yes, a computer may slow down after some time, because dust particles block the heat sinks and thermal paste is also affected over time. Which leads to degrading the CPU.