As we read in the previous article, the CPU plays a vital role in playing games. About this, there is skepticism, Does the CPU affect fps or not? Yes, the CPU can affect the FPS. It is one of the possibilities among all the errors and myths. 

Wait a while, let’s get some hints about FPS. FPS stands for frame per second. It usually refers to the term, the number of images shown on the screen every second. It is the basic matrix of visualizing the videos and images. In short, it is the measuring scale of the GPU. 

Our main keyword for focusing is that the CPU affects fps. We can say yes, the CPU controls the overall performance of the PC, the faster the working of the CPU, the faster the operations. 

In this blog post, you have to read the impact of the CPU on FPS and how the CPU affects it. Must read this complete blog to get the appropriate knowledge. 

Can FPS Be Affected by CPU Temperature?

Yes, increasing the temperature of the CPU will affect the fps. If the CPU is heated and needs to cool down, it will affect the overall performance. If you notice that the CPU is overheated and needs to be cool down, you must have to shut it down quickly or take any measures to cool down the temperature. 

If the CPU is overheated you don’t shut it down, it will damage your motherboard. Heat is the worst enemy of the motherboard. It will shorten the lifespan of your CPU or motherboard. 

It is important to install the best cooling fans which helps in maintaining the temperature. The average temperature is about 65 to 80 degrees. At this temperature, you get the best performance. If the temperature increases, it will be unsafe. 

These are some ways that help you to maintain the temperature. 

  • Reapply the thermal paste timely.
  • Upgrade your cooling fans, and buy a strong enough to control the maximum range of temperature. 
  • Your heat sinks must be clean, there are no dust particles in it. 
  • Suddenly shut down the PC and clean the fans as soon as possible. 

Does Upgrading CPU Improve FPS?

There are several reasons behind this query. CPU is capable of controlling all the logical operations in a PC. And also handle all the instructions in the gams. 

Upgrading the CPU will help to increase the FPS because it enhances the overall performance of the computer system. But, if we talk about games, the scenario is quite different. The performance of the CPU depends upon the type of game you want to play. 

Some games are totally, reliable on the CPU, which is affected by the efficiency of the CPU. Some games require more GPU capacity than the CPU. 

Generally, upgrading the CPU improves the FPS. But if we talk about any specific game, the answer is not much sure. 

Does GPU increase FPS?

Yes, Upgrading the GPU can increase the FPS. A stronger GPU will ensure you play games, render images, and perform other graphical operations faster. As I mentioned above the FPS is a frame per second, which shows how many images are displayed on the screen in one second. 

In the gaming world, Higher FPS will help you to run the game faster and smoother. Lower fps will cause the screen errors sometimes. 

The normal range of FPS required for gaming computers is about 45FPS. It is for such a game which requires some extra power. However, some games can run smoothly even on the 30fps. 

So, the Number of FPS depends upon the game type and size. 

In Terms Of FPS, What Is The Best For Gaming?

If you are still confused about the number of fps, for smooth game plays, there are some recommendations for you that may help you in identifying the number of FPS.

These recommendations are based on the result of my personal experience. You get benefits by these: 

30 FPS:

These are perfect for single-player games. It seems like you are just watching a movie. 

60 FPS:

It is best for those who want to play games in a flow. Or required a smooth performance while playing. It is best for animation-type games.

120 FPS:

It is the same as the 60 FPS, but it gets some extra points just in performance and reliability. It is best for multiplayer games, a user can enjoy multiple visual abilities, and can also play a single-player game at the same time. 

240 FPS:

It includes all the advanced features, most of which are new to you. According to my opinion, it is not worth it. It costs more but is unable to give us the tempting results. A 240 FPS cannot able to give results better than a lesser one. So, I recommend you not to choose this. 

I shared my personal experience with you, you can also try these and make your own opinion. 


It is concluded that the CPU will affect the overall performance of the PC. If we talk about FPS separately, it has little impact on the CPU on it. 

GPU has more effect on FPS because it is the function of GPU not of CPU. If you want to upgrade the CPU, it last impression on the fps as well. 

If you want to get more about CPU and if you have any queries, feel free to contact us.