Blending or rendering is the process that is performed by the CPU and GPU to change the 3D image into a realistic form. It usually helps to create or edit the 3D modeling, images, and also for animations. 

GPU rendering depends upon the power of the graphic card, And CPU rendering works according to the willpower of the processor. It has confusion, GPU rendering is better than CPU rendering, It is not much clear because both are working well. GPU is considered good in the way it has some extra features to collect data and convert it into an image. 

Now we clear that what is render or blender? Blender is a software or tool which is used to create, and pixelize the image or to create animations. It is quite a tricky task because first, you need to gather relevant information or data and then create the required image. 

Here the question arises, Is the CPU and GPU blending intensive or not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of rendering or blending? In this article, I’ll give you a detailed overview of both of them. And also describe other facts about the CPU and GPU blending. 

Must read the complete blog to get the appropriate knowledge. 

CPU Rendering Advantages: 

CPU rendering has many advantages, But it is beneficial only for a few projects. Some benefits of CPU rendering are: 

  • CPU consists of large memory instead of GPU. It provides you a facility to store a large amount of data which is used in rendering, creating animations and images. So, you can store a large amount of data without any fear of crashes of lose or crash the data. 
  • CPU rendering has more advanced features than the GPU. You can use more advanced features in the CPU because rendering tools in the CPU are more powerful. 
  • Image created by the CPU rendering is more powerful and attractive, it is possible due to some complex features in the CPU rendering tool. 

CPU rendering is considered best by all these advantages. 

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CPU Rendering Disadvantages: 

Above I told you some advantages, beside these benefits there are many disadvantages of CPU rendering which has a great impact on the image created or on the health of the CPU. 

  • CPU rendering is usually slower than the GPU, especially in making animations with high resolution and pixels. Because the CPU has just a few cores which perform task parallel to the GPU. 
  • Rendering is used to make realistic images, but the CPU is unable to create such realistic images, caustic and reflective images are not handled by the CPU. 
  • The tracing power of the CPU is weak than the GPU, So that, quality of the image is affected. 
  • CPU consumes more money as compared to the GPU. The hardware for the CPU is much more expensive. After this, you have to buy multiple heavy processors which work as a GPU. For this purpose, you need a lot of money to spend and modify your processor timely. 

Here are drawbacks of the CPU rendering. Its disadvantages weigh more than the benefits. 

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GPU rendering advantages: 

Above we discuss the pros and cons of CPU rendering, Now ill tell you some advantages of GPU rendering: 

  • GPU rendering is faster than the CPU. It can handle critical tasks like high resolutions, multiple textures, etc. This is because GPU has more cores than the CPU, which can handle all the complex tasks easily. 
  • GPU rendering helps to create more realistic images, especially which are reflective or contain many textures. Because GPU has great tracing ability. 
  • The most important advantage is that it can save you money, you don’t need to buy any heavy processors or also not to buy heavy processors. 

These benefits weigh a lot and easily make all the complex tasks without any risk. 

GPU Rendering disadvantages: 

Benefits and drawbacks are hand to hand. Above I discuss some advantages of GPU rendering which weigh a lot. But, you have to consider the drawbacks also: 

  • GPU has less memory, but you need some extra memory to store data and computations. You may need to upgrade to buy GPU RAM which enhances your experience and increase memory. 
  • GPU rendering only allow you to use some feature. It doesn’t allow you to enjoy all the rendering features. While CPU rendering has more advanced features. 
  • And the third drawback is that it produces a lot of noise which effects the performance and algorithms. 

I recommend you consider these points before doing any task.


It is concluded that CPU or GPU rendering is a much tricky task, before choosing the rendering method, you must need to consider both benefits and detriments of CPU or GPU rendering. 

I recommend you to use both methods turn by turn, then you see the difference in results and identify easily, which method is best or not. 

If you want to get more facts about CPU feel free to contact us.